Prevention and Treatment of Gum Infection: Healthy Gums in Simple Steps

gum infection

 One of the worst health conditions is a gum infection. If not treated properly, this can be very aching and destructive to your dental health. A gum infection is formed when bad bacteria build up in the mouth and cause some inflammation within the gum tissues. It thus causes aches or pains within the gums, swelling, or even bleeding. If not treated in time, it might cause more chronic conditions that not only affect the teeth but also health in general. Do not panic; the following are some very basic measures that you can undertake within the comfort of your own home to prevent and treat gum infection.

Good Oral Hygiene

Brush your teeth at least twice a day. This will help remove all food particles and all bacteria-plaque formations in your mouth. Try brushing the areas around the gumlines because bacteria tend to clump most in these areas. You should never miss flossing every day. That’s where you clean the unseen area in between where a toothbrush might miss them.

Soft-bristled Toothbrush

Although that is taken into account as well, a soft-bristled toothbrush is quite important so that you will retain your gums from harmful harder bristles that may damage the gums. So, it won’t result in infection, thus brush gently in circular motions so that there will be no damage to the gums. Change it every three to four months, or sooner if the bristles are worn or frayed.

Cleaning with Antibacterial Mouthwash

The antibacterial mouthwash reduces the bacteria counts in your mouth. This prevents gum diseases and leads to fresh breath. You will do great rinsing your mouth after brushing and flossing with mouthwash.

gingivitis treatment

Healthy Diet

Feed good bacteria for healthy teeth and gums through a healthy diet. Include a lot of foods rich in vitamins; vitamin C can be pretty helpful in this matter. Vitamin C can also minimize the swelling of gum germs. Fresh fruits are oranges and strawberries and fresh vegetables like spinach and broccoli. Snacks food and drinks that contain sugar shall be avoided; these support bad bacteria as they increase the chances of gum infection.

Adequate water supply

Water always washes your mouth and helps clear out them all the remaining food particles and bacteria.  Water intake stimulates saliva production, which has a natural infection-fighting mechanism against infections on the gums.  Drinking enough water after meal times and in the day keeps the gums healthy.

Regular visits to your dentist

Preclusion of the gum infection requires an appointment with the dentist. The early signs of gum infection are also detected by a dentist during professional cleaning, which removes plaque accumulation. A six-monthly visit to the dentist can keep your gums in top condition.

Signs of Gum Infection

It is crucial to be aware of the signs and symptoms of gum infection so you can act right away. Commonly associated signs and symptoms include swollen, red, or bleeding gums bad breath, and pain in the jaw while chewing. If you have identified all of these symptoms, act fast so the infection will not grow worse.

Controlling Gum Infection at the Incubation Stage

If you have had symptoms that you feel are indicative of gum infection, then above all else, you should enhance your oral hygiene. Brush and floss more carefully and also use antibacterial mouthwash. However, if all these symptoms are not clear to you, then you must visit a dentist for proper advice. Early treatment might be able to prevent the infection from getting worse.


Gum infections can easily be prevented if you just keep proper habits of brushing and flossing and regular visits to the dentist. In case an infection happens, then the tips listed above will very quickly help you clean out the problem. You must not forget that an untreated gum infection can lead to the much more serious condition of gingivitis. Keep your gums healthy so that if you ever need gingivitis treatment, you won’t have to suffer from it for quite some time.

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